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Cloud Relay - More Than Just a Gateway

Updated: Sep 3, 2019

Data networking in complex environments is hard enough. Managing the reach-back of those networks during operational changes makes that challenge even harder. Cloud Relay aims to simplify this problem while extending the availability of your data at the same time.

Distributed Gateways

Deployed data networks will have default gateways configured to tell each network where it should send the data to reach into other networks. If that network needs to change, then the default gateway needs to change as well adding complexity and risk to any change.

Cloud Relay simplifies this and at the same time provides resiliency and flexibility inherent in the design. Each Cloud Relay node can be either a gateway or just a participant on the network as another node. When there is more than one Cloud Relay gateway connected in a local area and both are reachable over the MANET system, Cloud Relay elects a gateway allowing users data to have a common gateway for reach back.

If the Cloud Relay nodes then become separated, each is then elected as a gateway and services the connected nodes within each area. This is done automatically and requires no reconfiguration of the system for continuous operation.

Layer 2 Extension

Not only does Cloud Relay allow for more than just a means of providing distributed gateways in a network, it is also an intelligent extension of the Layer-2 MANET network that is connected to it.

Imagine having a camera that has a static IP address and being able to connect it to the network anywhere in the world and have it remotely accessible on the network on the same static IP address it originally was configured for. This is what Cloud Relay does. It not only provides for flexible, dynamic gateway services, but also extends the Layer-2 network over other bearer systems such as SATCOM or the Internet, while maintaining the Layer-2 connectivity.


Optimisation of data delivery is essential for continued success and the correct use of transmission mechanisms such as IP Multicast allow multiple users to receive critical data without burdening the network with wasted data. Multicast is however difficult to transmit over networks without expert knowledge in WAN routing.

Cloud Relay provides inbuilt Multicast support with the solution and allows users to seamlessly access and share data in an efficient manner no matter where they are located. Servers are not required to translate the data between Multicast and Unicast, as the network transparently supports the delivery of the data.

To simplify what Cloud Relay provides, it creates the worlds largest Layer-2 Switch that you can connect to anywhere as if it was a single network switch on your desk.

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